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Easy Divorce Filings in New Jersey


Just $499 + Filing Fee

Sign, File, Divorced!

Allow us to handle your uncontested divorce from start to finish.

Simple Uncontested Divorce in New Jersey

Allow Our Legal Professionals to Prepare Your Complete Uncontested Divorce.

Subpoena Served, Inc is a document preparation service that provides simple, low-cost, online uncontested divorce document preparation in a timely, professional matter.

We discovered that many clients were looking for a quick and inexpensive divorce option after serving numerous clients throughout the years. We understand that most people are unfamiliar with legal jargon and do not want to be emotionally or financially harmed while dealing with their divorce. Taking these factors into consideration, we’ve worked hard to simplify the process for you. Subpoena Served specialists are here to assist you in making your divorce as simple and inexpensive as possible.

Our paralegals have years of expertise drafting divorce papers for attorneys, law firms, and individual clients, and our knowledgeable customer care team is always ready to assist you. We’re a team of specialists with over a decade of matrimonial expertise and hundreds of successful divorces under our belt. We do the work, and we do it correctly.

Getting started is easy. Simply give us a call at 609-619-2330. Our staff will follow up with a phone call to conduct an evaluation, and our professionals will begin drafting the papers for you to sign and file. We welcome the opportunity to work with you on a divorce solution.

Do I Qualify for An Uncontested Divorce in New Jersey?

New Jersey residents who are considering a divorce may be able to take advantage of the state’s quick and easy divorce filing process. The New Jersey courts offer a streamlined procedure for couples who meet certain eligibility requirements and who agree on all terms of their divorce.

To be eligible for a quick uncontested divorce in New Jersey, couples must:

-Have been married for no more than 10 years

-Be in agreement on all terms of their divorce, including division of property and debt, child custody and support (if applicable), and spousal support (if applicable). Prospective clients must have a drafted and notarized Marital Settlement Agreement already completed before filing with us if any of the listed items in this paragraph apply to your situation.

– For couples with no minor children, no assets or debt obtained during marriage, and are not seeking spousal support, this service is ideal for you. You do not need a Marital Settlement Agreement in this case.

Couples who meet these requirements can file for a quick divorce by completing the necessary paperwork and submitting it to the court. There is no need for a lengthy and expensive court battle, and couples can often finalize their divorce in just a few months.

If you are considering a quick divorce in New Jersey, it is important to consult with an experienced divorce attorney to ensure that your rights and interests are protected. If you need a Marital Settlement Agreement, you must consult an attorney to provide guidance and draft it up before filing with our services.

For more information on quick divorces in New Jersey, contact Subpoena Served, today. Our experienced paralegals can answer your questions and help you determine if this type of divorce is right for you. Call us at 609-619-2330 to schedule a consultation.

Divorce Without Hiring a Lawyer in New Jersey

If you’re considering a quick divorce in New Jersey, there are a few things you should know. While it is possible to get a divorce without hiring a lawyer, it’s important to understand the process and the possible implications.

It’s important to note that even though a quick divorce may be possible in New Jersey, it may not be in your best interest. A quick divorce may not give you enough time to fully understand all of the implications of the divorce. It’s always best to consult with a lawyer before making any decisions about your divorce.